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API Ph Up Freshwater Aquarium Water Ph Raising Solution

SKU: 146213API Fish Care

Product Description

pH is the measure of acidity of water, on a scale ranging from 0 to 14. A pH of 0 is the most acidic, while a pH of 14 is the most alkaline. Different geographies have different tap water conditions with different pH levels, while fish require a specific pH level to thrive. A pH of 7.0 is ideal when keeping a community aquarium containing a variety of tropical fish. Goldfish and livebearers prefer a pH of 7.5. Many Amazonian fish, like angelfish and neon tetras, prefer a pH of 6.5 to 6.8. Mollies and swordtails thrive at pH 7.2 to 7.5. API pH UP Freshwater Aquarium Water pH Raising Solution raises aquarium pH in freshwater aquariums to desired level. Safe for fish and plants. Use when setting up a new aquarium, adjusting pH, or changing water. pH in an aquarium can fluctuate due to fish waste, uneaten food and addition of tap water. It is recommended to test water for pH weekly.

With API aquarium products, it’s easy to keep a beautiful saltwater, freshwater or reef aquarium. For almost 60 years API has developed premium solutions with proven and effective results for your family and ours. API offers a range of testing kits, water conditioners, and nutritionally superior food, because we’re dedicated to making a better underwater world. They work to provide a safe, hospitable environment for fish such as tropical community fish, cichlids, goldfish and more. At API, we understand the rewards and relaxation of fishkeeping because we have a passion for fish too.