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15 Essentials for a Pet Evacuation Kit

15 Essentials for a Pet Evacuation Kit

15 Pet Must-Haves for a Pet Evacuation Kit.

When you have to evacuate with your pet, it is important to pack as carefully for your pet as you would for yourself. Here’s a list of must-haves for your pet’s emergency evacuation kit. Buy our starter kit and add your pet’s essentials!

  1. Paperwork– Bring along your pet’s current vaccination records and a recent health certificate from your veterinarian. Ownership records can also be useful should you accidentally get separated from your pet during the chaos.
  2. Identification– Your pet should have current ID tags on its collar, as well as your contact information on its carrier or crate. If your pet hasn’t been microchipped, take a good photo of your pet with any identifying features visible and get them microchipped as soon as possible.
  3. Safety Restraints– A properly sized, appropriate strength leash, collar, harness, and seat belt are all necessary for your pet, depending on the type of animal. Be sure each item fits well.
  4. Carrier– A safe, secure carrier or crate will give your pet a space of its own while you travel, and can be used in a hotel or another home as its bed and safe space. Be sure the carrier can be cleaned and has proper ventilation for your pet’s comfort.
  5. Medication– If your pet requires regular medication, bring along enough of a supply to see it through the entire event.  Bring prescription details as well in case a refill might be needed.
  6. Food– Buy a Small Bag of your pet’s food and keeping it on hand in case of an emergency. Pets are used to a specific diet, and you want to be sure to pack enough food and treats for your pet’s meals until you're able to get to safety. This will minimize the risk of any digestive problems or stomach illnesses that can make an already stressful situation worse.
  7. Dishes– Collapsible dishes are convenient and can be stored with limited space while providing a place for food and water while on the go.
  8. Bedding– Familiar bedding will help your pet settle quickly into a new space, whether it is at a different home or in a hotel. A blanket or old shirt is an ideal choice to make your pet feel right at home even in new locations.
  9. Toys– Bringing along favorite toys will keep your pet busy and out of trouble. Bring two to three different toys, including good quality chew toys to distract your pet from other temptations.
  10. Toilet Essentials– Bringing along plenty of poo bags or a portable litter box or potty pads to clean up easy and keep your pet comfortable and at ease when they need to relieve themselves.
  11. Grooming Supplies– Pack their combs or brushes. A brushing session can comfort your pet in unusual situations.
  12. First Aid Kit– To really be prepared for emergencies, pack a first-aid kid with everything you might need to tend to minor wounds or problems with your pet. Also research local veterinarians at your potential evacuation sites in case you may need to make an emergency visit.
  13. Luggage– It can be helpful to have a small piece of luggage dedicated to your pet so all its supplies can be kept in one convenient location. This luggage should also have your contact information and where you may be staying, in case it is accidentally lost.

Pre-packing for your pet doesn’t have to be a struggle.  If you have these essentials organized, both you and your pet will be ready in the event of an emergency.